Davis and Salt Lake County residents may be eligible for federal assistance
Disaster Assistance steps
- Register with FEMA at DisasterAssistance.gov or or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired. Help in many languages is also available.
- Registration takes you through a survey with about 25 questions, asking the location of the home, how many occupants, what kind of damage happened, insurance information and banking information in case you are eligible for assistance. Keep in mind that FEMA can’t assist you with anything that was covered by insurance.
- If needed, your application will be processed and referred for inspection. Because of COVID, FEMA is conducting virtual inspections over the phone or by using Facetime. Homeowners can also provide photos of damage.
- If you receive a virtual inspection, the inspector will analyze that information and FEMA will determine what type and amount of assistance is available
- Housing assistance ensures that people are in a safe home and can help with costs related to a functional kitchen or bathroom or restoring running water. It is not meant for new paint, cosmetic repairs, or restoring a home to predisaster status. The SBA may provide low-interest loans for other home repair projects.
- Once the review is complete, the applicant receives a determination letter that will detail how much was approved and what it is expected to be used for.
- If an applicant is not eligible, they will receive a determination of ineligibility letter with details about why they were not found eligible (not enough damage, incomplete information or not a primary residence).
- Within 72 hours of the completed review, approved assistance arrives via direct deposit.
Deadline to register for assistance is September 8
If you have earthquake insurance, contact your agent or carrier. Keep in mind that earthquake damage is not generally covered by regular homeowners policies.
See the Resources section of the website for general financial assistance programs available for historic and unreinforced masonry buildings.