Salt Lake County Eligible for FEMA Public Assistance Funding for Magna Earthquake

Mackenzie CopeNews releases, Resources

UPDATE: Public Notice – Federal Funding for Public Assistance (PA) and Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs (HMGP) in Salt Lake County READ THE PUBLIC NOTICE HERE Interested persons may obtain information about these actions or a specific project by writing to the Federal Emergency Management Agency – Region VIII EHP Office, Denver Federal Center, Box 25267, Denver, Colorado 80225-0267, or by …

Federal Aid for Utah Quake Tops $2 Million

Mackenzie CopeNews releases

Six months after the Magna Earthquake shook Salt Lake and Davis counties, federal agencies have provided more than $2.2 million in loans and grants to help Utahns recover from the March 18 disaster and its aftershocks. FEMA has approved more than $664,000 through its Individuals & Households Program (IHP), the majority of which is going to housing assistance to help …

Federal Earthquake Assistance Update: September 8 is the Final Day to Register

Mackenzie CopeNews releases, Resources, Uncategorized

September 8 is the Final Day to Register Tuesday, September 8 is the deadline for Utah residents to register for federal disaster assistance for damage caused by the Magna Earthquake and aftershocks between March 18 and April 17. Utahns impacted by the disaster who haven’t registered can still apply for assistance at or by calling the FEMA Helpline at …

Tell Your Friends and Neighbors to Register With FEMA, Deadline is September 8

Mackenzie CopeNews releases, Resources

SALT LAKE CITY – Federal disaster assistance is available for Utahns impacted by the Magna Earthquake and aftershocks between March 18 and April 17. If any of your friends or neighbors have damage caused by the quake, encourage them to register with FEMA. Letting everyone know is one way you can help your community recover. Rather than visiting in person …

Federal Aid for Utah Quake Hits $1 Million As FEMA Deadline Nears

Mackenzie CopeNews releases, Resources

Two Weeks Left to Register The deadline for Utah residents to register for federal disaster assistance for damage caused by the earthquake and aftershocks between March 18 and April 17 is Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Since the July 8 disaster declaration, more than $1 million in federal disaster assistance has been provided to eligible applicants in Salt Lake and Davis …

Magna Earthquake Disaster Assistance Virtual Town Hall

Mackenzie CopeResources

A Public Town Hall discussion, in English and Spanish, with Magna earthquake recovery officials and FEMA and SBA disaster assistance experts. Get your questions answered and learn the process to receive earthquake damage assistance in Salt Lake and Davis Counties. Watch the Q&A here: Or view the Spanish Q&A here:

News Release: Free Disaster Legal Services Available for Utah Quake Survivors

Mackenzie CopeDisasters, News releases, Resources

SALT LAKE CITY – A free legal aid hotline was created as part FEMA’s Disaster Legal Services (DLS) program for the Magna Earthquake and its aftershocks.  The service is open to residents of Salt Lake and Davis counties. Residents who need legal assistance for earthquake-related issues but cannot afford an attorney can call toll-free 800-662-4245. The line is open Monday …

Press Release: Salt Lake and Davis Counties to Host Virtual Q&A Sessions Addressing Earthquake and Aftershock Damage Assistance

Mackenzie CopeNews releases, Resources

Salt Lake County, UT – Salt Lake and Davis County Emergency Management agencies, Utah Divison of Emergency Management, FEMA, and SBA are collaborating on a Facebook Live event for residents (renters and property owners) who may have suffered damage to their homes as a result of the March 18, 2020 Magna earthquake and aftershocks. The Facebook Live event will feature …