
Publications & Files

Find information about earthquake geology, seismology, engineering, earthquake scenarios, unreinforced masonry buildings, emergency preparedness, and earthquake preparedness in Utah through the publications and reports below. USSC meeting information and downloads can also be found here, as well as links to the resource archive that contains all publications, slideshows, media, and other documents.

Stay up-to-date on earthquake-related information going into the Utah Legislative Session!

Fact Sheets by the Utah Seismic Safety Commission and Envision Utah.

Addressing the Seismic Vulnerability of Utah's Schools

130 Utah schools are vulnerable but we can help these schools become safer.

Keep water flowing after the "Big One"

Secure Utah's lifeline: The urgent need for earthquake-resilient aqueducts.

More Coming Soon!

Popular Publications

Find information about earthquake geology, seismology, engineering, earthquake scenarios, unreinforced masonry buildings, emergency preparedness, and earthquake preparedness in Utah through the publications and reports below.
USSC Legislative Recommendations for 2024
Utah K-12 Public Schools Unreinforced Masonry Inventory
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, 2nd Edition

Echando Raíces en Tierra de Terremotos, 2a Edición
(Spanish version)

Earthquake Probabilities for the Wasatch Front Region
Earthquake Emergency Handbook for First Responders and Incident Commanders
Wasatch Front Unreinforced Masonry Risk Reduction Strategy
Scenario for a Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake on the Wasatch Fault

Meetings and Agendas

The USSC meets quarterly at several locations in the Salt Lake Valley. Below are past meeting files and recordings. If you wish to attend a meeting, recommend a topic for consideration, or participate on a committee, please contact us at
March 28, 2024Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF (pending)MP4
January 4, 2024Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF (pending)MP4
October 26, 2023Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF PDF MP4
July 6, 2023Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF PDF MP4
April 27, 2023Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF PDF MP4
January 12, 2023Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF PDF N/A
October 27, 2022Utah Seismic Safety Commission MeetingPDF PDF Part 1 MP4
Part 2 MP4

Resources and Media

Click on the icon below to view different resources or explore the archive.