About the USSC
The 15-member volunteer Utah Seismic Safety Commission (USSC) and its staff functions for state and local governments, the private sector, and the public to advance earthquake-related issues by researching, developing, and recommending seismic policies, approaches, and outreach aimed at reducing Utah's earthquake hazards and managing Utah's earthquake risk.
The Commission advises the Utah legislature, governor, state and local government agencies, and the private sector on earthquake safety issues. The USSC acts as a source of information for individuals and groups concerned with earthquake safety, promotes earthquake-loss-reduction measures and legislation, and implements education and awareness campaigns in order to save lives, prevent injuries, protect property, and reduce social and economic disruption from the effects of severe earthquake activity in Utah.

Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the Utah Seismic Safety Commission (USSC) website! We’re glad you found us!
Thanks for visiting the website of the Utah Seismic Safety Commission. I hope the information and resources presented here are interesting and useful. At the USSC, we are dedicated to mitigating the risk from earthquakes to the residents of Utah. Please contact us with any ideas or comments you have about this important issue. You can send messages via email at [email protected] or deliver them in person at one of our quarterly meetings.
- Robert Grow, USSC Chair
Meetings and Announcements
The USSC meets quarterly at several locations in the Salt Lake Valley, but most meetings are held at the Utah State Capitol, Utah Senate Building, Kletting Room. USSC members and staff are listed under the Contact Us link below. The USSC invites citizen participation in its meetings and activities. If you wish to attend a meeting, recommend a topic for consideration, or participate on a committee, please contact John Crofts at (801) 560-2637 or [email protected].
Select a meeting to view more details and downloads.
New and Highlighted Publications
Find information about earthquake geology, seismology, engineering, earthquake scenarios, unreinforced masonry buildings, emergency preparedness, and earthquake preparedness in Utah through the publications and reports below.